Friday, December 5, 2008

New Story on the Way

Well, I just finished the first draft of my latest story for Wicked Women of Color Press. It's been a long time coming and lots of blood sweat and tears went in to getting the finished product completed, but it's done. All that's left is to delve into the editing process to try to tighten it up a bit before it hits the shelves.

The story is about an older African-American female swim coach who falls in love with her much younger white student.

I originally had some reservations about writing a May/December romance as I sometimes find the topic still a little "taboo" in some circles. But the story came to me a few months ago and it wouldn't let me abandon it. It kept peeking its little head up out of the woodwork begging me to take notice, so I pushed my reservations aside and did the thing. It's got humor, it's got romance, it's got sex. (The sex is the thing, right? Right!)

It should be making its appearance soon, so keep on the lookout for it and PLEASE leave me feedback here with your thoughts. I love to hear it all, good, bad or ugly so don't be shy. It does nothing but help me improving my writing.

Cheers everyone and Happy Holidays!

-Raquel Mulgrew

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